How do I pair my SAM Labs blocks in SAM Space?

To pair your SAM blocks in SAM Space, click on the '+ CONNECT' button on the bottom left of your workspace. 

Screenshot 2021-02-22 at 14.33.07

The pairing panel will appear. Next to the 'Pairing Panel' click on 'PAIR A BLOCK' 

Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 13.58.35

A window will pop-up. Turn on your physical block by holding the button above 'SAM Labs.' Find and select the block on the pop-up and click 'Pair'

Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 14.14.34

Note: Ignore the 'Paired' label next to the block. You still need to follow the step above. If a block has a bluetooth symbol to the left of it, the block is already paired 


Your block will now appear under 'BLOCKS NEAR ME.' Check the color surrounding the virtual block on your screen and see if it matches the color on your physical block

Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 14.02.25

If the colors on the blocks match, press the green check mark. If they don't match press the red 'X' 

Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 14.08.09Click on the 'X' or the workspace. You will find your paired block under 'Inputs' or 'Outputs' on the bottom of your workspace. 

Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 14.11.08

You're now ready to begin coding, drag it on the workspace to begin!